In Ecuador, essential oils are produced from trees such as pine, eucalyptus, cypress, herbs such as lemon grass, basil, rosemary, mint, chamomile, fruit such as orange, lemon, tangerine, among others: palosanto, turmeric, cardamom, Ginger, black pepper, Ishpink, rose, jasmine.

Our producers are from a specific rural area whose objective is to take care of the environment and preserve cultural traditions. Training is provided in the process of plant collection and hygiene to our suppliers or collaborators who are mostly from the communities of Salinas de Guaranda. Around about 30 families are favored with the collection process.

The essential oils they produce are natural, without chemical additives or other agents that dilute it and they are extracted from aromatic and medicinal plants selected from the Andean nature, through a simple steam distillation process. Due to the characteristics of location and climatology, the essential oils of our “Salinerito” line, located in the area of Salinas de Guaranda of Ecuador, are superior to their peers in any other place in the world. As for the natural characteristics of the products as well for the desired effects on our body.

Through its work, the community company of essential oils wants to value the natural resources of the Andean wasteland and the subtropics, to create work sources for the residents of the Parroquia Salinas de Guaranda (directly and indirectly as suppliers of plants), to create resources for the activity of the Salinas Salesian Family Foundation (which aims to support children and youth in the fields of education and health),to rescue traditional medicine and to educate children in the love of nature.

It was created by Father Antonio Polo, Ing. Alfredo Cattá and Ing. Martha Alessandrini and workers Juan José Azoguez and Rosa Chamorro.

It produces a wide variety of products:

Essential oils such as pine, eucalyptus, chilca, nettle, cypress, avocado, lemon grass, rosemary, palosanto, …, among others.

Infusions / teas such as mint, lemon grass, mashua, 12 herbstea of life, architect tea, nettle, chuquiragua, … among others.

Ointments such as pine, eucalyptus, cypress, verbena and snail and rosemary shampoo.

Our products are natural and have a Fact Sheet and Sanitary Notification.