In crafts within the organic material of plant origin are considered elements such as: seeds, stems, leaves, roots and fruits.

The fabric in vegetal fibers as it is the case of the toquilla straw gives place to accessories of clothes as the “Panama” hats. The weaving of the hats was recognized in 2012 by the Unesco like Intangible Cultural Patrimony of the Humanity. The raw material for Toquilla straw hat comes from a plant native to Ecuador, similar to the palm. Fiber is cut from its stems and after a long process is ready to weave the hats. The fineness of the hat is measured in degrees greater fineness greater is the degree and increased commercial value. The Ecuador specializes in producing fine varieties of hats that meet high standards and demands of consumers worldwide. The straw hats originated in Ecuador’s coast with deep ancestral roots. The name “Panama” is the period of construction of the Panama Canal. Workers currently suffering from the sun, had sought protection from the sun and the best help was a lightweight, breathable, durable and protective sun hat, made for the Ecuadorians. As there were a lot of hats these people did a rapprochement between hats and channel where the name “Panama” to design a straw hats. It is a product globally demanded for its exquisite handcrafted. Our line offers quality hats with various designs, colors and prices.