Cocoa is a native tree in the jungles of Central and South America, its scientific name is Theobroma cacao, in Greek Theobroma means “food of the gods.” It grows best in equatorial climates where there is abundant rainfall throughout the year and where there are stable temperatures between 25-28 degrees.

The cocoa world market recognizes 2 large categories of cocoa beans: “fine or aroma” cocoa and “bulk” or “common” cocoa. 95% of world annual production is the cocoa in bulk (Africa, Asia, Brazil). The remaining 5% corresponds to fine cocoa or aroma, whose distinctive characteristics of aroma and flavor are sought mainly by the manufacturers of high quality chocolates.

In the case of Ecuador, there is a unique type of cocoa in the world known as “Nacional” which is recognized as having a very short fermentation and it gives a mild chocolate with good flavor and aroma, which is why it is recognized as world level with the classification “fine or aroma”.

This type of cocoa has distinctive individual characteristics, a floral touch, fruit, nuts, almonds, spices that makes it unique and special. The products derived from a process of industrialization or artisanal processing of cocoa beans are considered to be manufactured of cocoa.

Generally, it refers to chocolate that can be with milk, dark, white (bars, tablets), exotic flavored bonbons, hot chocolate, toppings, and endless of other products made from fillings with other products such as the blue bird (the typical liquor of Bolívar) or the passion fruit, or mixed with nuts, or chocolate cream and macadamia nut.

The El Salinerito Confectionery Factory started its activity in 1992 and it was created by Father Antonio Polo and workers of Salinas de Guaranda such as Rigoberto Ruiz, Francisco Toalombo, Eladio Silva and Sara Salazar and with the collaboration of two retired Swiss chocolatiers who arrived to Salinas as volunteers.

The cocoa is organic from the Ecuadorian Amazon, Los Ríos and Esmeraldas and the chocolates we have are of high quality, products with the seal of “fair trade”.

The range of confectionery has been extended by honey nougat and peanuts or macadamia nut candies, soy crackers and jams among others.

Soy biscuits and artisan jams (from chamburo, mortiño or de blackberries) are produced by the community company ALI SALINAS, which in 2008 was created by Father Antonio Polo and the team of workers in it.